Postdoctoral Positions

The Harris Laboratory continually accepts applications from top-caliber PhD graduates. Applicants must have a PhD (pending), 2-3 first author papers, and a set of clearly defined goals. To apply, please email Dr Harris’ Laboratory Manager, Allen York ( with a CV and a copy of your academic transcripts. Three letters of reference may be requested subsequently.

PhD Studies

The Harris Laboratory is always keen to recruit exceptional PhD students. Rotation opportunities are ongoing, with one each summer and three others throughout the academic year. However, prior to contacting the Harris Laboratory, each interested student must first apply to one of the following programs:


Most of these programs also require an application to the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. Successful applicants to other doctoral or combined programs will also be considered.

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate trainees learn lab skills from the ground-up, starting with basic lab work such as media preparation, glass sterilization, and reagent stocking and progressing to learning complex procedures ranging from molecular cloning and cell culture to enzyme activity assays, cellular imaging, and bioinformatics. Undergraduate research assistants are paid hourly and have multiple opportunities for scholarship research (UROP, honor’s thesis) and/or full-time summer research. Interested students are encouraged to contact Dr. Harris’ Laboratory Manager, Allen York by email (

Technical Positions

These will be advertised periodically through the UT Health SA Careers site.

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