1. Grant # PT17006
Eapen (PI)
Implementation of a Brief Cognitive Rehabilitation Intervention to Enhance Efficiency of Service Delivery for Service Members and Veterans with mTBI: Core-SCORE
The goal of this study is to identify key ingredients of an evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation protocol to develop a streamlined version that is feasible and acceptable to Service Members and Veterans with mild TBI.
Role: Co-Investigator
2. Grant # NCT04428034
Meyer (PI)
Learning Skills Together: A Randomized Control Trial of Complex Care Skills Intervention to Improve ADRD Caregiver Self- Efficacy
The goal of this study is to build caregivers’ self-efficacy in the performance on complex care, Learning Skills Together (LST), a UT Health San Antonio Caring for the Caregiver program.
3. Brain Health Consortium, University of Texas at San Antonio
Effect of mild traumatic brain injury on predictive processing in language comprehension
The goal of this study is to better understand the role of sentence context on language comprehension in adults with mild traumatic brain injury.
Role: Co-investigator
4. KL2 TR002646
Tsevat (PI)
NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program
KL2 Mentored Research Career Development Program in Clinical and Translational Science
Cognitive-Communication Performance in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
The goal of this study is to gain foundational knowledge in translational science, discourse methods and electrophysiological methods to investigate brain responses of adults with mTBI.
Role: KL2 Scholar
5. School of Health Professions Seed Grant
Norman (PI)
Language Performance in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury- A Pilot Study
The goal of this study is to determine the role of cognition on language performance in adults with chronic mild TBI recruited from the community.
Role: Principal Investigator
6. DoD Award PT17006
Eapen (PI)
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs
Complex Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Research-Clinical Trial Award
Implementation of a Brief Cognitive Rehabilitation Intervention to Enhance Efficiency of Service Delivery for Service Members and Veterans with mTBI core-SCORE
The goal of this study is to pilot a manualized treatment program and identify key ingredients of an evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation protocol.
Role: Co-Investigator
7. National Institute on Aging
White (PI)
The Emory Roybal Center for Dementia Caregiving Mastery
A pilot evaluation of Learning Skills Together: A intervention to teach complex care provision to caregivers of persons living with Alzheimer’s Disease
The goal of this study is to standardize, evaluate the feasibility of and the efficacy of Learning Skills Together, a program that trains caregivers of adults with Alzheimer’s Dementia to provide complex care
Role: Co-Investigator
8. NIH Grant KL2 TR002646
Tsevat (PI)
Language Performance in Adults with mTBI/Institute for Integration of Medicine & Science: A Partnership to Improve Health
Role: Scholar
This method was used to characterize language output and focus on the underlying cognitive mechanisms of language performance after mTBI in order to standardize assessment for mTBI-related communication disorders.
9. NCT04428034 Grant
A pilot evaluation of Learning Skills Together: A intervention to teach complex care provision to caregivers of persons living with Alzheimer’s Disease.
Role: Co-investigator
10. Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics Community Service-Learning Grant
Ngyuen (PI)
Cognitive Skills Workshop for Service Members and Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury
Role: Faculty Research Mentor
The purpose of this service grant was to provide a free cognitive skills workshop for community members living with traumatic brain injury.
11. Texas Association of Allied Health Professionals Research Grant
Norman (PI)
Language Performance in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding from this grant allowed me to contract statistical assistance for analyzing results from my seed grant.
12. Training, Education and Mentoring in Science Award, UW-Madison
Carnes (PI)
This training grant funded the last two years of my PhD studies and provided specialized training and mentoring opportunities for ethnic minority students.
Role: Trainee R25
13. NIH Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Diversity Supplement for 1R01 HD071089
Turkstra (PI)
This supplement to my primary mentor’s ROI grant funded the first two years of my PhD studies which included coursework and embedded lab training in the Communication and Cognition Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Role: Trainee