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Current Projects

MoTrPAC: The Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium


The Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (MoTrPAC) aims to uncover, at the molecular level, how exercise improves and maintains the health of the body’s tissues and organs.

Middle Age Crutch Study

This study looks at the loss of muscle in middle aged individuals after being on crutches for an extended period of time. After this, participants are put on an exercise regime. This study aims to build a deeper understanding on muscle loss and regrowth in individuals after injuries.

Diet, Insulin Resistance, and Inflammation

Overnutrition is known to cause insulin resistance and inflammation, exacerbated by increased age, but the mechanisms involved are not well understood. This work aims to understand the connection between inflammation and cellular senescence to insulin resistance using diet induced obesity and diabetes in both aged mice and mice with hyperactive mTORC1 signaling in skeletal muscle.

Past Projects