
Computer-based cognitive rehabilitation for individuals with traumatic brain injury: A systematic review

Politis, A., Norman R. (2016) Computer-based cognitive rehabilitation for individuals with traumatic brain injury: A systematic review. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 1(2), 18-46.

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Exploring neurobehavioral symptoms in women with mild traumatic brain injury

Norman, R., Carlson, N., Turkstra, L. (2016) Exploring neurobehavioral symptoms in women with mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury; 30(5-6):627-628

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Speed and social thinking: A comparison of adults with and without TBI on the Video Social Inference Test

Norman, R., Turkstra, L. (2015) Speed and social thinking: A comparison of adults with and without TBI on the Video Social Inference Test. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, May/June 2015.

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Traumatic brain injury in veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: communication disorders stratified by severity of brain injury

Norman, R., Jaramillo, C., Amuan, M., Wells, M., Eapen, B., Pugh, M.J. (2013). Traumatic Brain Injury in Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan: Communication Disorders stratified by severity of brain injury. Brain Injury; 27(13–14): 1623–1630

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Post-traumatic attention disorder in the chronic mild TBI population: A case study using direct attention training and methylphenidate

Norman, R. & Cabrera, J. (2012) Post-traumatic attention disorder in the chronic mild TBI population: A case study using direct attention training and methylphenidate. Brain Injury, April-May 2012, 26 (4-5): 577-578.

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