Invited Presentations at Professional Meetings and Conferences
Norman, R.* Addressing Cognitive-Communication Disorders: Beyond the Randomized Clinical Trial and Updates in Evidence and Clinical Practice. University of Florida, G. Paul Moore Symposium Gainsville, Florida.
Norman R., Wallace T., Diefenbach, H., Gartell, R., McCauley, K., Eshel, I. Communication and Team-Based Approaches to Community Re-Integration of Service Members and Veterans with mTBI. Oral Seminae. American Speech-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
Norman, R. Eshel, I. Cogan, A. Measuring Community Participation Outcomes for Injured Service Members and Veterans: State of the Science. Military and Veterans Affairs Special Symposium, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Norman, R. The Relationship Between Cognitive-Linguistic Performance, Sleep, and Anxiety in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. The Ohio State University, Department of Speech and Hearing Science. Columbus, OH.
Allevato, A., Flaugher,T., Norman R., Wicha, N. Neurobehavioral symptomatology predicts response times during target detection but not the P300: a multi-method study of mild traumatic brain injury COGSCI 23. Sydney, Australia.
Holliday, G. & Norman R. (April, 2023) The Relationship between Self-reported Anxiety and Cognition in adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. 13th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Day. San Antonio, TX
Norman, R. Treating Mild Cognitive-Communication Disorders: Updates in Evidence and Clinical Practice. Texas Speech-Hearing Association Annual Convention. Austin, Texas.
Norman, R. The Role of Allied Health Professionals in the Care of Patients with Infectious Disease. Faculty Grand Rounds, School of Health Professions, UT Health San Antonio, TX
Flaugher, T.G. & Norman, R. Characterizing and Treating Communication Disorders across the Lifespan. UT Health San Antonio School of Health Professions, TX
Norman, R. Self-perception of Communication Competence after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Joint Conference on Brain Injury. New York, NY.
Norman, R. Mild TBI-related Cognitive-Communication Disorders: Updates in Neuropsychological and Neurobiological Evidence. Professional Seminar Series. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Flaugher, T.G., Allevato, A., Norman, R., Wicha, N. Y. Prediction and Context in Language Comprehension after mTBI. San Antonio Brain Injury Think Tank, Military Health Institute, UT Health San Antonio, TX
Norman, R. Mild TBI-related Cognitive-Communication Disorders: Updates in Evidence and Clinical Implications for Providers. Iowa Conference on Communicative Disorders. Cedar Falls, Iowa.
Norman, R. The Role of Allied Health Professionals in the Care of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury. Faculty Grand Rounds, School of Health Professions, UT Health San Antonio, TX.
Norman, R. Mild TBI-related Cognitive-Communication Disorders: Updates in Epidemiological, Qualitative, Neuropsychological and Neurobiological Evidence Acquired Brain Injury Meeting, School of Health Sciences, University of Sydney, AUS
Norman, R. Concussion and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Themed Live Discussion American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference (Virtual).
Norman, R. Cognitive-Communication Disorders associated with Traumatic Brain Injury Hearts for Healing Caregiver Virtual Conference
Norman R. Cognitive-Communication Deficits in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Professional Seminars in Speech-Language Pathology. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL.
Norman, R. Addressing Communication Disorders Along the Lifespan, Lunch and Learn Series, School of Health Professions, UT Health San Antonio, TX.
Norman, R. Language Performance in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Texas Association of Allied Health Professionals 2019 Annual Conference, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Norman R. Addressing Cognitive-Communication Deficits in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Reeves Rehabilitation Center University Hospital Research Grand Rounds. San Antonio, TX
Norman, R. The Role of Allied Health Professionals in the Care of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury. Faculty Grand Rounds, School of Health Professions, UT Health San Antonio, TX.
Norman R., Brackett, J. Patel, P., Sabbatus, J., White, C. Caring for the Caregiver: Managing Communication and Swallowing for Adults with Dementia. IIMS Community Engagement Symposium 2019, San Antonio, TX.
Norman R. Assessment and Treatment of Cognitive-Communication Problems after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Brain Injury Alliance of Wisconsin Annual Conference. Wisconsin Dells.
Norman, R. & Eapen, B. Communication disorders in veterans with TBI: Diagnosis and rehabilitation. Veterans Affairs Health Services and Research and Development Cyberseminar.
Conference Proceedings
Diaz, M., Thornock L., Ybarra, A., Morton, M. Norman R. (April, 2024) The role of bilingualism in story-telling performance in adults with mild traumatic brain injury. North American Brain Injury Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Allevato, A., Flaugher,T., Norman R., Wicha, N. (July, 2023). Neurobehavioral symptomatology predicts response times during target detection but not the P300: a multi-method study of mild traumatic brain injury COGSCI 23. Sydney, Australia.
Holliday, G. & Norman R. (April, 2023) The Relationship between Self-reported Anxiety and Cognition in adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. 13th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Day. San Antonio, TX
Norman, R, Flaugher, T.G., Allevato, A., Hermes, J. T., Wicha, N. Y. (February, 2023). Language Performance After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: An Event-Related Potential Study. University of Texas at San Antonio. Graduate Program Research Showcase. San Antonio, TX.
Norman, R, Flaugher, T.G., Allevato, A., Hermes, J. T., Wicha, N. Y. (October 2022) Abstract Number: 630. Language Performance After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: An Event-Related Potential Study. Society of the Neurobiology of Language Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Norman, R. (September, 2022) Self-perception of Communication Competence after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Oral Abstract. 2022 Joint Conference on Brain Injury. New York, NY.
Norman, R., Flaugher, T., Allevato, A. Hermes, J. Wicha, N. (October, 2022) Language Performance after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Poster Presentation. Society for the Neurobiology of Language. Philadelphia, PA.
Norman, R., Flaugher, T. Allevato, A., Hermes, J., Wicha, N. (April, 2022) Brain and Behavioral Indexes of Language Performance in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: An Event-Related Potential Study. Poster Presentation. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Norman, R. Flaugher, T. Chang, S. Power E. (January, 2022) Self-perception of Cognitive-Communication Functions after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Podium Presentation, International Cognitive-Communication Conference, Chapman University, Orange, CA.
O’Brien, K., Wallace, T. Hardin, K., Norman, R., Lundine, J. (September, 2021). Cognitive-Communication and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: The State of the Evidence. Symposium Session, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference (Virtual).
Norman R. (2021, November) Mild TBI-related Cognitive-Communication Disorders: Updates in Epidemiological, Qualitative, Neuropsychological and Neurobiological Evidence. In-person oral seminar, Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Washington, D.C.
Norman, R., Huerta, P. Shah, M., Turkstra, L., Power, E. (2020, November). Proposal Number 12551. Discourse Performance in Adults with Mild, Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries and Orthopedic Injuries. Proposal accepted at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA (Convention canceled).
Norman, R., Swan, A., Jenkins, A., Ballard, M. Amuan, M. Pugh, M.J. (2020, November). Proposal Number 12587. Blast TBI-related communication disorders among Post-9/11 Veterans: A Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium Study. Proposal accepted at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA (Convention canceled).
Norman, R., Ajtai, R., Chang, S., Huerta, P. Rose, C. Thomas, D. Sander, S., Flaugher, T. Fragozo, G. Hardin, K.(2020, November). Proposal Number 12218. Title: Assessment and Intervention of mTBI-related Disorders by SLPs: A Scoping Review. Proposal accepted at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA (Convention canceled).
Norman R., Ajtai, R., Chang, S., Huerta, P. Rose, C. Thomas, D. Sander, S., Flaugher, T. Fragozo, G. Hardin, K. Assessment and Intervention of mTBI-related Disorders by SLPs: A Scoping Review. American Congress of Rehabilitative Medicine VIRTUAL Annual Conference.
Norman, R. Flaugher, T. Chang, S. Fragozo, G. Reistetter, R. The Relationship between Language Performance and High and Low Levels of Neurobehavioral Symptoms in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. American Congress of Rehabilitative Medicine VIRTUAL Annual Conference.
Norman R., Adair, K., Arredondo, A., Hoang, D. Reistetter, T. (2019) Relationship Between Neurobehavioral Symptoms and Social Communication in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. American Congress of Rehabilitative Medicine Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Norman, R., Subramanian, S. McDonald, M. Cross, M. Shah, M., Turkstra L. (2019) Predicting Language Performance in Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury and Orthopedic Controls. American Congress of Rehabilitative Medicine Annual Conference 2019, Chicago, IL.
Norman R., Adair, K., Arredondo, A., Hoang, D. Reistetter, T. (2020) Relationship Between Neurobehavioral Symptoms and Social Communication in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Texas Speech-Hearing Association Annual Conference Houston, TX.
Norman, R. Patel, P. Sabattus, J. (2020) Caring for the Caregiver: Managing Communication and Swallowing in Adults with Dementia. Texas Speech-Hearing Association Annual Conference Houston, TX.
Norman, R. Subramanian, S. McDonald, M. Cross, M. Shah, M., Turkstra L. (2019) Predicting Language Performance in Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury and Orthopedic Controls. RehabWeek 2019, Toronto, CA.
Norman R., Shah M., Turkstra L. (2019) Language Comprehension after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: The Role of Speed. Oral presentation. The International Brain Injury Association’s 13th World Congress on Brain Injury, Toronto, CA.
Perez, C. Floyd, T. Norman, R. (2019) Ecological Validity in the Rehabilitation of a Service Member with Penetrating Traumatic Brain Injury. Poster session. The International Brain Injury Association’s 13th World Congress on Brain Injury, Toronto, CA.
Norman, R. Subramanian, S., Pugh, M.J. (2018) Roundtable Panel Leader: Research in TBI. American Society of Neurorehabilitation Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.
Norman, R. Pugh, M.J. (2018) Phenotypes of Comorbidity among Women Veterans and Service Members after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Federal Interagency Conference on TBI. Washington, D.C.
Norman, R., Shah, M.N., Turkstra L. (2018) Expressive Language Performance in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Federal Interagency Conference on TBI. Washington, D.C.
Hardin, K., Kennedy, M., Norman, R., O’Brien, K., Welch-West, P. Concussion and the SLP: A Symposium on Current Research, Clinical Limitations and Future Directions. The American Speech-Hearing Association National Convention 2017. Los Angeles, CA.
Norman R., Snedden T., Turkstra L. (2017) Communication problems reported by college students with and without concussion. The International Brain Injury Association’s Twelfth World Congress on Brain Injury. New Orleans, LA.
Norman R., Carlson N., Turkstra L. (2016) Exploring neurobehavioral symptoms in women with remote mTBI. PINK Concussions Symposium. Palo Alto, CA.
Norman, R., Politis, A., Mueller, K. and Turkstra, L. (2014) Computerized-cognitive rehabilitation in individuals with traumatic brain injury. American Speech-Hearing Association National Conference. Orlando, Florida.
Norman, R., Politis, A., Mueller, K. and Turkstra, L. (2014) Computerized-cognitive rehabilitation across the lifespan. Wisconsin Speech and Hearing Association National Conference. Madison, Wisconsin
Norman, R. (2013) Treating acquired alexia after penetrating brain injury: Use of multiple oral reading method (MOR). Santa Clara Valley Brain Injury Conference, San Jose, California.
Norman, R. & Cabrera, J. (2012) Post-traumatic attention disorder in the chronic mild TBI population: A case study using direct attention training and methylphenidate. The International Brain Injury Association’s Ninth World Congress on Brain Injury, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Norman, R. & Cabrera, J. (2012) Post-traumatic attention disorder in the chronic mild TBI population. Santa Clara Valley Brain Injury Conference, San Jose, California.
Norman, R. & Cabrera, J. (2012) Post-traumatic attention disorder in the chronic mild TBI population. Association of VA Speech-Language Pathologists National Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Norman, R. & Rounkles, V. (2011) Community reintegration and quality of life for mild TBI patients participating in an interdisciplinary treatment program. Association of VA Speech-Language Pathologists National Conference, Charleston, South Carolina.
Norman, R., Cabrera, J., Flatness, J. & Johnson, J. (2010) Tracking our TBI veterans: Where do our referrals come from? Association of VA Speech-Language Pathologists National Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Norman, R. (2009) A review of electronic memory aids used by adults with prospective memory impairment. Effective Practice in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology for OEF and OIF Veterans Conference, Washington, D.C.