Updating and Refining Prevalence Rates of Traumatic Brain Injury–Related Communication Disorders Among Post-9/11 Veterans: A Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium Study August 11, 2020 Language Comprehension After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: The Role of Speed November 19, 2019 Reaction time and cognitive-linguistic performance in adults with traumatic brain injury July 11, 2019 Acquired Stuttering in Veterans of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: The Role of Traumatic Brain Injury, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Medications November 1, 2018 Impaired theory of mind in adults with traumatic brain injury: A replication and extension of findings January 31, 2018 Computer-based cognitive rehabilitation for individuals with traumatic brain injury: A systematic review March 31, 2016 Speed and social thinking: A comparison of adults with and without TBI on the Video Social Inference Test May 30, 2015 Traumatic brain injury in veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: communication disorders stratified by severity of brain injury October 16, 2013