Rhodopsin kinase and recoverin modulate phosphodiesterase during mouse photoreceptor light adaptation

Ching-Kang Chen, Michael L Woodruff, Gordon L Fain


Light stimulates rhodopsin in a retinal rod to activate the G protein transducin, which binds to phosphodiesterase (PDE), relieving PDE inhibition and decreasing guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) concentration. The decrease in cGMP closes outer segment channels, producing the rod electrical response. Prolonged exposure to light decreases sensitivity and accelerates response kinetics in a process known as light adaptation, mediated at least in part by a decrease in outer segment Ca(2+). Recent evidence indicates that one of the mechanisms of adaptation in mammalian rods is down-regulation of PDE. To investigate the effect of light and a possible role of rhodopsin kinase (G protein-coupled receptor kinase 1 [GRK1]) and the GRK1-regulating protein recoverin on PDE modulation, we used transgenic mice with decreased expression of GTPase-accelerating proteins (GAPs) and, consequently, a less rapid decay of the light response. This slowed decay made the effects of genetic manipulation of GRK1 and recoverin easier to observe and interpret. We monitored the decay of the light response and of light-activated PDE by measuring the exponential response decay time (τREC) and the limiting time constant (τD), the latter of which directly reflects light-activated PDE decay under the conditions of our experiments. We found that, in GAP-underexpressing rods, steady background light decreased both τREC and τD, and the decrease in τD was nearly linear with the decrease in amplitude of the outer segment current. Background light had little effect on τREC or τD if the gene for recoverin was deleted. Moreover, in GAP-underexpressing rods, increased GRK1 expression or deletion of recoverin produced large and highly significant accelerations of τREC and τD. The simplest explanation of our results is that Ca(2+)-dependent regulation of GRK1 by recoverin modulates the decay of light-activated PDE, and that this modulation is responsible for acceleration of response decay and the increase in temporal resolution of rods in background light.